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Home General advice for Naphthalophos drenches 

General advice for Naphthalophos drenches 

Naphthalophos is available as several brands, either as a single ingredient or as a carefully-formulated combination. It does not mix easily with other drenches and doing so may increase risk of harm. 

Naphthalophos-containing products have the narrowest safety margin of any drenches – i.e. the most potential to cause harm. It is especially harmful to the lungs if the dose is misdirected or is inhaled (e.g. if animal is panting heavily around the time of administration).  

Failure to comply with the label will risk death of animals in your flock. 

The following are very important, and you should only act otherwise if the label for the product that you are using specifically states that you can do so:  

DO NOT MIX with any other drench.  

DO NOT ADMINISTER AT THE SAME TIME as any other drench. 

DO NOT use power drenching devices  

DO NOT ADMINISTER to lambs while they are in marking cradles 

DO NOT ADMINISTER to stressed, thirsty, or malnourished sheep 


ENSURE ACCURATE DOSE FOR BODYWEIGHT: draft animals into mobs of similar weight range if needed 

Follow label advice regarding protection of yourself and your staff. Use of PPE (overalls, chemical-resistant gloves, respirator) is advised. In general: avoid skin and eye contact, and avoid inhaling or swallowing product.  

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