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Home Worm Control Program – Pastoral

Worm Control Program – Pastoral

Program summary

The WormBoss worm control program for the pastoral region has five components that are effective when used in combination. Their effectiveness is reduced when not used in an integrated way.

Open the complete program (PDF)

A summary of the components is below, (see further chapters in the PDF for details).

1. Respond to unusual grazing conditions (caused by dry times ,drought, floods, fire)

  • Move sheep from areas where they have congregated as soon as possible and WormTest the mob.

2. Breed and feed for worm-resistant sheep

  • Consider including the trait of worm resistance when choosing rams.
  • Maintain sheep above fat or condition score 2 at all times.

3. WormTest at recommended times or situations

  • Sheep that are showing signs that suggest a worm infection.
  • Prior to weaning lambs (or at 4–6 months old if a set weaning does not occur).
  • Before mustering for management events (shearing, crutching etc.).
  • 6 weeks after rain that has resulted in a green pick of annual grasses and herbage.
  • 4–6 weeks after sheep have been congregating on small areas.
  • Each 2–3 months for sheep grazing along bore drains (especially where leakages occur) or irrigation channels with little other paddock feed.

4. Drench1 only at recommended times

5. Manage drench resistance

  • Avoid unnecessary drenching.
  • Conduct DrenchCheck-Day 14 after using a drench.
  • Use effective drenches and multi-active2 combinations where possible.
  • Use short-acting treatments. Reserve long-acting products for specific purposes or high worm-risk times.
  • Rotate among all effective drench groups2 for each mob (and each paddock where possible).
  • Calibrate your drench guns, dose to the heaviest sheep and follow label instructions.

1Drench refers to anthelmintics regardless of route of administration

2Drench groups are the chemical family to which an ‘active’ belongs. An ‘active’ is the chemical in a drench responsible for killing worms. Some drenches contain more than one active and are called ‘multi-­‐active’ or ‘combination’ drenches. See ‘Drench groups and actives’ at Appendix.

This is an up-to-date, integrated regional worm control program for sheep in the pastoral regions of Australia. It particularly builds upon earlier programs including joint ventures by state departments of primary industries, district veterinarians from the Livestock Health and Pest Authorities NSW, CSIRO, and universities.

The program aims to improve the profitability and welfare of your sheep through

  • fewer deaths and illness from worms
  • fewer drenches
  • improved productivity
  • prolonged life of drenches

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