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Home Plan an Annual Control Strategy for Cattle

Plan an Annual Control Strategy for Cattle

Blanket treatment of the whole herd is rarely necessary. Exposing the entire worm population on a property to drench treatment at the same time will ultimately lead to widespread drench resistance.

However, in locations where worms are a common cause of disease or production loss, an annual control strategy with a program of treatments should be implemented to treat the classes of animals which are most susceptible to worms (weaners, first and second calvers and bulls – for more information, see the page on which animals are susceptible to worms?). These strategic programs are designed to remove adult worms from animals before seasonal conditions favour worm egg development. They reduce worm egg contamination of pastures.

The ParaBoss Annual Programs identify the worms of economic significance and describe the program of treatments and interventions for each Australian climatic and geographical region.

The recommendations are generic for each climate region, and therefore need to be customised to the needs of individual producers (such as knowing the drench resistance on your property), and delivered by those with knowledge in the field.

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