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Where is the Rangelands (pastoral) region?

This region covers the areas across Australia where goats are run under low rainfall conditions. In central and southern areas, this is generally less than 400 mm annual rainfall, but may be much higher in the northern summer rainfall areas during a very wet season.

In these areas some goats usually have some worms, but the hot and/or dry conditions keep them at very low numbers and goats generally tolerate these without the need for drenching. However, under wetter or more crowded conditions worm burdens can become severe, resulting in illness and deaths.

The WormBoss Pastoral region extends though Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia, but is still generally restricted due to the presence of dingoes further north and inland of the areas shown on the map. 

In some districts within the areas described above, goats rarely or never need treatment for worms. Low stocking rates help to reduce the worm problem, but these districts also tend to have one or a combination of the following that limits the completion of the worm’s life cycle for much of the time: very seasonal rainfall, extreme heat, high evaporation rates, low humidity, and sparse pastures.

If you are new to these areas, see how much drench your local stock and station agent carries and talk to neighbours and veterinarians to find whether worm problems arise locally and adjust this program accordingly. Also, WormTest regularly while you build your experience in worm management. In the years with above average rainfall, many goats have died in these areas from worms when local folklore says goats do not get worms.

The regional boundaries are approximations only due to the seasonal variability, mostly associated with rainfall in this region.

What worms are covered in this program?


The most important roundworms in this region vary according to latitude and rainfall patterns.

In southern areas or when there is winter rainfall:

In northern areas or when there is summer rainfall:

Also important in both the north and south, but mainly for young goats

Liver fluke

In this region liver fluke only occurs in imported goats, except perhaps on irrigated pastures. When goats are brought here from areas with liver fluke, include a triclabendazole drench (which is effective against all stages of liver fluke) with quarantine treatments for roundworms.

Other gastro-intestinal parasites

Gastro-intestinal parasites of minor (stomach fluke and tapeworm) or occasional (coccidia) importance are not covered in this program.

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